Originally Posted by dcd
because apparently my virtual memory has never been correctly allocated (since titan) and it is now thanks to da_g.
in that case you think you can make another titan rom for 6.1/6.5 :P I still have/use mine along with my TP... i miss your Titan roms dearly... (speaking of which I sent you a PM days ago... the question is about the titan camera reg entry's but in my diving it seems its relevant to the camera app as a whole not just device limited)
anyway back to this thread, i love the voice for battery low... well not as much as my C&C Tesla tank sound byte :P, anyway loving the new ROM... i was wondering if you where ever gonna replace that default keyboard with the red or black one... or even finger keyboard, I have 2 I use finger keyboard and the black standard keyboard
additionally you seen any hints in the WM builds of a better power button option? I know I can do it myself and replace the function, but I love the pxshutxp(is that it i cant remember) and always with they had something defaut like that built in