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Old 08-07-2009, 08:03 PM
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Re: Sneak peak of the new WM 6.5 22001 Haze Rom

Originally Posted by echomatics View Post
lol yah ETA Spet 1st would be a long *** time for a sneak peak
Hoping to have a BETA out to you all ASAP and then take that feedback and build it into the first v1 release. That should give me the right amount of time to make the changes.
Not at the level of Juicy or NRGZ where they drop 2 Rom's a night blindfolded!
dont let nrgz hear that u said he only puts out 2 roms a night or else he'll come in here and remind us all how he has a stadium sized kitchen and makes roms for 7 more devices cooking about 98 roms a night, lol.

no, but really i look forward to helping u as i think this is the right way to bring out a new rom, with some solid testing and then let the feedback & hype come from the users, not some outrageous claims that this is gonna be some ufo light speed mars urainium rom,lol

Last edited by t0mmyr; 08-07-2009 at 08:06 PM.
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