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Old 08-07-2009, 06:45 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built 8/6th || Manila 2.1

So far the only issue I have encountered is that when you are trying to enter a new appointment when you click the date, a new calendar screen comes up and it extends beyond the bottom of the screen, so while you can click on the date, you can't click set to get it to accept the date. The work around for now is to do this in landscape mode and then the calendar and buttons fit on the screen. Just an FYI for anyone else who encounters this issue. I'm sure it's because the manila version was designed for a phone with a taller screen. Please work on fixing this to VGA and your rom will be perfect.

Anyone know if the alarm has ever been "fixed", not just worked around? I like G-Alarm, but don't see any reason to pay for a function thats already built into the phone. I only need 2 alarms a day, so the built in one if fine, but only if it makes enough noise to wake me up.


8/6/refried version.
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