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Old 08-07-2009, 02:56 PM
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steve austin
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Thumbs up Re: Coreplayer and bluetooth audio delay watching video

Finally, an opportunity to give back. Menu>Tools>Preferences>Select Page>Advanced> Look down on the right bottom and you will see 4 stacked boxes> Got to first box (Manual/V offset +/-)>Change value to: -.200 (this means put in a minus sign before the decimal). You should be straight after that. Let me know if those settings work for you.


Another handy tip that I asked about and never got an answer to. The volume is fine when no one is around, but for some reason it seems to lessen, in crowds, when you are playing a movie. I stopped watching movies on the subway until two weeks ago.

Menu>Equalizer> Click on to "enable" it>Custom> Slide pre-amp to the right to 17> then
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