I have been a Sprint customers over 10 years and wanted to give the following heads up>>
Sprint is using a billing system named "ENSEMBLE." This billing system has been in in effect for approximately 1 1/2 years.
This billing system effectively and efficiently "kicks out" any and all discounts that accounts are not supposed to have like stacked discounts, discounts on sero accounts, discounts on certain everything plans, etc., etc.
Even though a Sprint Representative applies the discount and tells you that everything is fine, the following can happen:
1) The discount will be applied and everything will be good
2) The discount will be applied, and everything will be good for a month or two or three, until one day you won't see the discount anymore because the Ensemble billing system "kicked" it out and removed it from your account.
This is where ALL THE FUN BEGINS
Customers will start calling Sprint asking what happened to the discounts and the Rep will tell you:
1) Your account was never supposed to have that discount and it was removed.
The customer will then argue that the discount was added by Sprint and it should be put back, etc., etc.
2) I am so sorry for the error. I will reapply your discount. Thank you for choosing Sprint.
Then you will not see the discount on your invoice the following month and you will call Sprint and go through the process of trying to reapply the discount.
3) You will be transferred and an Account Services Rep who will give you the final word on why you cannot have the discount.
Keep in mind that all of the above has nothing to do with whether you are eligible for the corporate discount or not, but whether your account can have a discount added.
If you already have a nice discount on your account, I would advice you to not to be greedy and try to change it to a discount, that in some cases will only save you a few dollars per month.
It will not be worth the aggravation, especially if your original discount is removed by Ensemble.
This may happen when:
1) The new discount is applied by the Sprint Rep but Ensemble rejects the new discount, and in the process, "kicks out" the original discount that conflicted with the new discount.
Then you are going to have a lot of fun trying to get your ORIGINAL discount added back to your account, and good luck doing that, especially if the discount code is an old code and is no longer available
I have experienced all of the above in the past and so have thousands of other Sprint Customers.
A year ago, there were 100's of threads being started about this very same topic!
While some accounts will not have any issues applying the discount, I just wanted to give everyone this Heads Up