Re: Lower your rate plan when buying a TP2
I don't want to hijack the thread, but I control the cellular choice of a number of people. I signed up 3 of my shop phones for SERO1250 plan. It is 1250 anytime minutes, m2m, n&w at 7, unlimited internet and text. $50. Then they have $7 for insurance. I then have my shared plan paid for through work too. It is $130 for 1500 anytime minutes. Unlimited GPS, Data, TV, M2M, N&W at 7 and I think some other piddly options. $14 for both insurances then a 20% and a 10% discount. Having said that all 5 of us use way more than the 500 minute plan that Sprint offered for $30 which included text, data, m2m and n&w at 7. Even though we all use a TON of m2m minutes just get burned through. We only have 3 incoming phone lines and 1 fax. With 5 employees plus any visitors in the building sometimes using your cellular is your only option. It sounds excessive but we make our money via the phones, well I have been working on building an internet client el. I guess it doesn't matter as it is a rightoff regardless, but it is cheaper to have extra minutes that to ever go over just a little bit.