Well I guess my outlook is a little bit different. I had nextel before verizon, now I've spent 3 days, and have been very impressed with the phone, the coverage, and the data speed. Where I'm at, at&t data seems quicker, the voice volume is louder on the tilt then the xv6700, it has gps and a sim, one thing I dearly missed with verizon. With a pda phone, I really like the thought of being able to pop the sim out, put it into a cheap unlocked phone & not worry about it when going out. Call me crazy, even the retention lady when I canceled my verizon apoligized for not having the latest phones, but they were coming out with ones. I know the samsung just came out, and the xv6800 is right around the corner, but there still what seem to be a generation behind. For the price I got, I couldn't pass it up.
If verizon had this phone, I may have of stayed, but in the end it's a wash, all things considered.