Originally Posted by tsowen
Below is the folder that containt the rA icon's made several different styles for you. In the zip folder it is a .psd file with all of them. All you have do to is cut the one out you want and save. Using IcoFX or gimpshop or something save it has a 32x32 32 depth icon and pop it into your tapres.192.dll
Originally Posted by Whotahn
Ok guys I am in need of help. Ive been trying to add a tsowen Rev A icon to my tapres since my coverage is pretty much constant Rev A and there is no icon for this in tsowens taskbar 6v2.1 full version with large title menu. I can not get it to work right after multiple attempts and a hard reset.Is there anyone out there that has had this issue? I am following the instructions 2 a T but the only results are other icons changing back to stock. Is there anyone that could add the orange striped Rev A to the taskbar cab? I love this taskbar just want to get rid of the ugly E I am now plauged with. Anyhelp would be appreciated.
I know I have been asking for a cab (sorry tsowen I am sure you are bogged down) to make this work due to whatever it is I don't seem to be doing right, but I never gave up trying.This issue has now dug under my skin! I can't figure it out. I now HAVE to get this figured out for my own peice of mind at this point. My first real hurdle of noob-hood so to speak. I have swapped start icons and start text already as well as updated the data connection with HCTLeeners icons, all with no help other than reading the instructions with no problems. I want to do this myself BUT need guidance now.
I have added the orange striped Ra icon I cut from tsowens Ra icon file to the tapres from the taskbar 6.2.1 as well as had one from dalepl (thank you again!) that had the blue tsowen Ra icon added. Every time I have tried to swap the dlls (not together of course, only when one didn't work!) so I can have the Ra icon I now get the wifi icon which is flashing constantly with the green and red arrows and red X as if its attempting to connect. I have no network icon at all now, no ugly E or Ra. Where do I go from here and what would cause this to happen? I am using the TP on stock Alltel ROM (another subject I need to address soon) if this helps. Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.