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Old 08-06-2009, 02:41 PM
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Re: |VICT|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Hello Everyone,

I am having a small problem that seems to be in last built July one and this new one August 1st. The problem is that I do not seem to find a easy way to use "Phone" normally you see a button "phone" you click on it and you dial the number you want, or choose the contact and call. Now, everyone I need to make a call I have to go to contact and choose contact and call, and when I need to call a new number I would choose to contact call hang up and dial the number. I did go into setting to change the "send" (hold) button to phone but that doesn't seem to work on this at all, in last built send key would work. I using Standard and 3D if they helps. Didn't check yet, but Alarm problem is fixed?

My first problem soft key for "phone" is solved, here is how:
Start > Utilities > Tweaks > Soft Key Manager :
You will get options of Editing both right & left soft key there. It worked for me and now I have Phone instead of Action for my right soft key.

For Alarm I am still unable to get in to work, I did try one of the method that was mention in one the threads:
Start > Setting > Sounds & Notifications : I think the suggestion was to uncheck where it reads "notifications(alarms, reminders)". Did not work for me yet, anyone else?
Knight Rider

Last edited by soldier101; 08-06-2009 at 04:44 PM.
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