Originally Posted by digiblur
I gave this ROM a shot yesterday... I thought I had flashed the wrong thing as it said it was a warrior ROM at the initial boot screen and the WinMo screen was also saying warrior. It had several cosmetic issues but thats fine, everyone's tastes are different. A few of the apps crashed on me, Waze GPS would not work with it, and I even locked the phone up twice, once was by simply renaming a file in Explorer.
Nice job cooking in all the apps and such but I'm sticking with a clean ROM and Sashimi to install the apps I need and upgrade them when I need to.
Sorry for you experience, but I have this ROM on two TP's, but I personally have never ever had your experience, your issues.. I would advise you to have your TP checked out immediately... As you read back through the thread, you will see that no one is having your problems or issues.... If I can help you in anyway holla back...
Another question, do you have the new Sprint ROM on your TP..?