Originally Posted by Technology1
Thanks, yet to be technology at it's best, the Vulcan StarShip has truly landed, next scheduled release, the Romulan, Cyborg and the USS Enterprise Version slated for early next year, if time permits...
I know you are going to install the "TriPod/Quad Pod Mode", should you get a "Microsoft Bolean Error message", just install the "NetCF 2.0 app to the main memory, located at the very bottom of post #3... Also check out the new hi tech GPSWeatherRadar.cab and the RadarMeger.cab, a must got to have on your TP, these apps are also located at the very bottom of post #1.... Your global Live Media apps are working like a charm, enjoy....

my personal version only...!
I gets no error message.NONE. Only thing that seems not to work is msn weather. Which i never use anyways cause of weatherpanel and titanium weather.really no need for it. I would liketo show off my personal touch. notice my start text and what i named my second today tab. talk about user customization! like McDonalds, Im lovin it!
One thing i am stumped on, is the tag reader. It never snaps the shot of the bar code. Ive tried all kinds of barcodes. Nothing triggers the snap of the camera. is there somethin i have to do manually?
And how in the world are you making your screenshots so big on the screen? Ive tried resizing at the upload to imageshack, and doing all the different codes. Nothing makes my shots as big as yours above. Can you tell me your secret?