Thanks for the info, it is really interesting stuff!
No worries, i am having a great time sharing and learning too. This is by far my favorite PPC site
my question (if you know, you seem to know more about this app than most of us) would be HOW??? I just don't see how they can bill us with no information other than our MIN and ESN from our phones
Its still a little grey on my end too. I have not had a chance to speak with anyone who is formerly a "technical" person yet. Although i may not easily be able to explain how, i can absolutely assure you its possible.
First off forget about it being "Sprint" branded.
The "opt-in" which you pointed out (think authorization for service, or you mentioned filling a form) happens when you install the app and authorize it to connect for service (there is a "data connection" reminder at startup). The formal billing "subscription" is triggered from within the app itself.
What i can say is think of the billing like a ringtone webpage you visit which just bills your Carrier as opposed to making you whip out a CC via SSL online. Or Handmark on sprint who bills your Carrier Account as oppose to making you pay via CC for apps, and media.
Its actually preferred by a vendor to bill your Carrier Account (cell account) opposed to CC billing because you cannot easily dispute the charge at the Carrier level and due to keeping your service from being shut off you are more likely to pay the bill. So its a far higher collection success issue. Its my understanding The Carrier (Verizon, Sprint, Alltel, etc) pretty much has to accept the billing when the vendor shows your IP (or whatever specific info) accessed and authorized the charge - Remember...your accepting the billing when you choose "Subscribe". Text message purchases although different medium work much the same way (buy ringtone, buy subscription to horoscope etc.).