There are alot of inept metro pcs reps that don't know what they are doing. To flash a phone to metro, you first try a metro corp store (main metro pcs store) in your area. Take it there. Chances are they will tell you it can't be done, even though it is on their houdini list (Metro PCS uses houdinisoft as a way to add the PRL onto the phone and ESN onto their network). Check here for supported device (which Touch Pro is on the list): I argued with a manager once about Sprint Mogul, which they claimed it can't be done-which another metro store did. And even if you would bring in a previous metro flashed phone, they still want to try to reflash it to make money ($47). If a corp store flashes it, then try the above setting to add web and mms....If the corp store gives you the run around, try a dealer (I will make phone calls first). Now if you can't find a dealer, then try Craigslist. Sometimes some cellphone stores advertise on craigslist they can flash it and activate your phone. I found a dealer (authorized metro pcs store) who flashed and actived my htc mogul and now my htc touch pro. Ask alot of questions, some can flash it- but no web or mms added- that will be up to you. And some flash, with mms and web but don't activate the phone for do ask before you take it to someone.
Here is a an example of a craigslist ad:
Alot of people think flashing a phone is illegal... and it is not. Now, clonning, that is illegal. So make sure, you are NOT clonning your phone. When a phone gets flashed at a metro store, they make you sign a paper authorizing the phone to get flash. Be wary about stores who don't do this.
To learn more about flashing, go to this site, Howardforums, great site for info...
According to Logic4l 3vil of Howardforums,
"There is a huge difference between flashing and having your
phones esn added to MetroPCS.
Flashing your phone does not mean the esn is automaticly added to MetroPCS.
1. Flashing the phone Consists of Modifying the phones settings inorder to work on the MetroPCS network.. This includes modifying the prl settings, wap settings, the mip settings, and the mms settings of your phone.. Just because you change these your self does not mean that metro pcs will automaticly add your esn and your done..
2. ESN adding is done through Houdini.. This is the only legal way to have your esn on MetroPCS. Flashing your phone yourself will not get your esn on metro's network not even if you can dial *228 and get the customer service
line.. There is no legal way other than Houdini to add your esn to metros network..
If you take it apon your self to Flash or modify your phone you should realize that you will still have to pay to have your service acquired through metro
pcs.. The phone must be Houdini Flashed an allowed to enter Metro's esn data base and billing data base.."
Good luck, hope it helped.