08-05-2009, 10:41 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||
Originally Posted by cpnichols
I have to say that I never have a battery issue with my phone after I install and use Lumos Wizard. Battery life is pretty bad with ANY rom before it.
However, with Energy ROM, and Lumos, after a full day on the phone... texting, internet, use, heavy emails, hour + on the phone, I can still come home at the end of the day with 40 to 50% charge. So Battery is never really an issue for me.
A lot of this battery stuff is probably backlighting. Energy is pretty darn bright before you install Lumos.
Agreed...I usually lower it off bat. But this program (plus the new radio) should get me at least 10hrs...