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Old 08-05-2009, 06:30 AM
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Re: [07/30] Final Release Yay 4 Juggs 6.1 special {{SPRINT PCS ONLY}}

Originally Posted by discipler View Post
Juggs, I loved your versions except I absolutely hate the small text size on the menus, etc. You like the small because the larger takes up too much real estate. But I need it to take up some real estate or only a magnifier will suffice (I'm serious). And I tried the regedit change from 700 to 1000, but I noticed little difference. I need some serious text size with my fifty year old eyes. Can you help increase the text of menus?

p.s. I searched to see what others were saying and found no fixes.
Well, I guess tiny 3point text is just fine with everyone else and my question doesn't need answering. Maybe there are more important problems to deal with than to give a lowly person such as myself a simple answer or fix. Text size has sucked on menus and on silent and vibrate buttons in volume control items. The button takes up the same amount of "real estate", but the text is so tiny that you can't read it. Unless you have eyes that magnify, don't bother with a Yay4Juggs Rom.
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