Re: [SPB MS3] Shine Up and Show Off Your Shell! [THEMEz, TWEAKz, WALLPAPERz, WIDGz, E
HELLO. i Have read everypost on this thread....
I also tried downloading the SPB sHELLSKINS 4.1.3 and it says to run install_QGVA, but then a window comes up that i have to choose a program to open it.
It gives me a recommended program of MortScript, but when i click it it only makes a beep and does nothing.
Before that i tried installing the 2. something version which made my phone act up so i had to hard reset.
Anyways so after the install_QGVA didn't work, i loaded the mortscript from the zip file from the 2. something version.
After thatit tells me:
Cannot find Spb Mobile Shell version 3.0: Path=/storagecard/spbmobileshellskinsregistry=
and stuck..don't know what to do, totally confused here!!
any help???
i have an htc vogue, wm 6.1, SPB SHELL version 3.0...any other info needed?
well please please if you know what im doing wrong let me know.