Originally Posted by Ezrem
Has anyone run into any issues with Opera in the latest ROM? Mine won't load any pages at all. At first I thought it was my internet access, but Pocket Outlook downloads messages fine, and IE can load pages as well. Opera just sticks at about 1/4" of progress bar...never loads anything.
Okay, nevermind. I figured it out. The opera config files had a proxy server configured - wireless.cingular.com. I imagine they probably don't let Sprint customers use it.
Changing all the Proxy options from 1 to 0 in the config files resolved it.
Ezrem, I had the same problem at first; I did two things:
1. I configured username and password in the connection settings
2. Soft Reset
At first I thought it was the internet connection, but in fact it was only Opera; now it's working fine, but I'm not sure if it was only the soft reset or the Connection config what solved the issue.