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Old 08-04-2009, 08:10 AM
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Re: Updated7-29|ROM||WM 6.5 build 21828|Titanium|CDMA|Chaos ROM - Suggestions Appreci

Originally Posted by insomniac View Post
Hi Chaos, today I was going through the registry doing my norm with a new rom, and I noticed there was a repetition on a battery edit, Hkey_Local_Machine/Drivers/Built In/Battery and HKey_Local_Machine/Drivers/Built In/Battery (it is repeated twice in the registry and the first one has a higher value than the later) . I deleted the first stated and changed the value of the later to the highest it would go, charged it, I left at 5 with it charged to 98%. got home at 9:44 and it was at 39%, so this made a huge difference in the battery life (before this change in the registry, the battery life was extremely short), though I don't know what others have experienced with regards to battery life with this rom.
Oops, must have entered something twice somewhere. What value did you end up at?

EDIT: Found where it got duplicated, one was Drivers\Built In and the other was Drivers\BuiltIn.
Also, looking at the regedits you gave I noticed something:


Is that supposed to be ClientDrivers? May explain why battery life still bad.

Originally Posted by littleevil View Post
Ok Chaos i decided to take a sneak peak at point ui... downloading sceptre's rom gonna play around with it

Found a neat theme for it too... hehe let ya know what i think of it.
Traitor! Let me know what you come up with. Thanks!
Please help contribute to my PPC Glossary!

Last edited by ChaosTheory; 08-04-2009 at 11:49 AM.
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