Originally Posted by mindfrost82
You should. You might want to clear your cache and refresh.
If you're using the Opera 9.7 with Turbo, you might have to wait for their proxy to update.
I am using Opera 9.7 with Turbo deactivated. I cleared the cache and I have the mobile view ticked. The color choice boxes are on the left side going vertical. I am viewing the site in "PPCG Default."
When I untick mobile view, I see the banner and device bar on top but obviously viewing the site that way is difficult.
I am trying to be as specific as possible as maybe I am not viewing the site with the correct parameters.
What is "wait for their proxy to update" mean and is that done automatically?
Btw, I have never been able to view the banner and device bar with the new default but I was able to on the old default.