Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090629 -- Custom Glass Rhodium Manila --!> (WM6.1 2105
I've actually gotten used to WM 6.5. I'm currently using NRG's 6.5 rom and it's running awesome. I used to use Psyki's 6.1 roms and it was by far the best 6.1 rom out there, so i'm pretty excited he's going to release his 6.5 rom  .
~~:My Phone History w/ Sprint:~~
Palm Treo 650 => PPC-6600 (HTC) => HTC-6700 => Palm Treo 700wx => HTC-6800
=> HTC-Touch => HTC-Touch Pro => HTC Touch Pro2 => HTC Evo 4G