Originally Posted by jadesse
I have TomTom & it cost me $100 Initially & it costs $50 to update the maps.
Why would upgrading your card be a pain? You can buy an 8G for about $20. All you would need to do is copy the files form your old card to the new one. I have done this before on my Axim & it works. Your phone will not know the difference. If you have programs installed to your storage card this still isn't an issue.
Since you have a data plan Google Maps & Windows Live would work too.
I have always been concerned about swapping data from one card to another when it came to installed programs. Thanks for the confirmation.
From the costs you just cited, $100 for Tom Tom and $50 for updates, I might do well paying $59.00 a year for a program that auto updates every week or so. Its a terrific program. I just don't like paying more than $50 period for a program. I certainly did not want to consider VZ Nav either.
As you mentioned Bing (Live Search) and Google are good freebies. But it doesn't position you relative to your compass orientation. I can't spend that much time taking my eyes off the road.
I do know Google has an upgraded version that costs around $50, but I hear that doesn't rotate either. I wonder if Bing has one. I saw a GPS device using Bing. It looked pretty good. But I haven't heard of a winmo program. The voice recognition in Bing is excellent.