Originally Posted by pyrater
Any ideas on possible uses other then trash? I now apparently a verizon customer and got a "upgrade" to a Vogue (vz6900)
They tried to pull that with me last year when I "transititioned" from QWerst.
I had just bought a starter kit QWesrt 6800 (my 2nd.), and 3 days later I was being offered an XV6800 and a Q9C.
I b~tched enough about bringing 5 lines (2 with data) and ended up paying for 6900 "DOWNGRADE".
Last month they decided to ban all QWerst ESN #, (even good ones).
So I laid it on them again and got the XV6800 starter kit (BNIB), for $55.oo USD. (with a renual of my one yr. contract).
If I were you I would let them know that the lack of WiFi and a real keyboard, makes them look very greedy with equipment that does not meet your needs.
Keep at it.
I did.
Just got off the phone with VZW, the Touch Pro is now $28.00 after mail in rebate...WOW (if thats what yau want).
About the 6800, I use my old Broken screen one for WiFi webcam security.