Originally Posted by skeegcpp
thx bro.
Ok, i hope its the VGA version that you use. I didnt do a qvga on this one. It's attached to this post. Oh, as well as the settings button you asked about a while ago. I'd say rename the original incase i didnt do the right file. lol.
Originally Posted by maxtcee
thanks for the quick reply much appreciatte if you can tell me what in doing wrong
I'm pretty sure its because you are saving everything as a .bmp(bitmap) when they need to be saved as .png format. Also, your files are not named correctly.
Upload your original gfx folder from your phone to use as reference. (that's what i do) You will see in the clockA folder exactly how the files should be named.
Originally Posted by MWSlim
How do you change the text in the S2U2 slider box?? I used to be able to do it with a reg editor but now I can't seem to find it
Odd, i just checked my reg, and i didnt see the value anymore either. Where's syrguy? I bet he knows of a way to change the text in these newer versions of S2U2.