Re: Iphone on Verizon.... TODAY!?!?!?
verizon does have a gsm network from the past and i tried to get them to lock a sim to an iphone, but they said that phone is not on their "approved gsm phone list"... and they would not tell me what is on that list.
I work for vzw, but not on employee pricing yet, so i told them something completely different. Maybe the xperia x1 is on their approval list and i can just give them the esn of the iphone telling them its from the x1...
I will try that today, and we will go from there.
but all-in-all the rep told me that they do activate gsm phones for their network, they just need to be approved.
@ LittleBreezes: The BB Tour does not work on the GSM network. The sim is there incase you travel globally, then it will work on GSM over seas. It is still a CDMA device in the States. But if you unlock the Tour, it can be used on T-Mobile or AT&T here in the US.
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