Originally Posted by SweetBearCub
If that's the case, and the graphics performance is still in the dumps - Why do people still buy these devices? Why not do as many people have done with MS and stick with an old 2001-era OS while they wait on something proper to be released? Why encourage HTC's shoddy practices (of not licensing the needed driver code) by rewarding them with your cash? I have a feeling that if HTC saw their revenue fall off of a cliff and they heard people clearly saying that the reason they were not buying was due to a lack of hardware performance, the driver code would be licensed and distributed pronto.
From what I understand HTC has license to the drivers, but carriers need to pay extra to use the drivers as HTC is not the owner of the drivers. The HTC phones received their driver updates, the carrier ones on the other hand didn't as they didn't want to pay extra licensing fees.
But if they plan to use WM7 as in the roadmaps, and Microsoft saying WM7 will focus on graphics, there lies a huge possibility.
redheaded Cam