Originally Posted by Atomic2Mod
While the GV app was on the app store, it sold. Those people now want a refund.
Apple wants to stick the developers with having to dole out the refund. Imagine that!
I was wondering how long it would take, and what actually happened to those $'s.
Originally Posted by sanmanc
The FCC is investigating Apple's rejection of GV and is requesting further information from ATT, Apple, and Google. More info here.
funny how the FCC is now doing BBB's job.
Originally Posted by Genjinaro
LOL talk about evil. As a developer selling applications on the platform, I'd be hard pressed to trust Apple after witnessing this fiasco.
so much for trying to keep a closed system in tek land. lol, maybe verizon will start to re-think some of it's plans... lol, yea right.