Originally Posted by t0mmyr
1. you can try disabling the wallpaper or choose a file that has a resolution of 640x640 to speed up rotation
2. install the retractable slider bar to view the entire calendar
3. its a little bug from porting rhodium off a wvga to vga device, i notice the same thing in settings>sounds>ring tones, cannot view bottom 2 lines
Thanks so much for the quick reply and helpful tips. I'm downloading the retractable slider bar now, that looks like it will help a lot.
I did try disabling the wallpaper entirely, but there's still a 10-14 second delay (with garbled graphics in between) when switching portrait/landscape. Maybe it's just me... if no one else is seeing that I'll try re-flashing or something. Seems to be only Manila that's having trouble though, other apps switch between portrait/landscape without any trouble.
Glad to know the scrolling thing isn't just me, though. I do see the exact same behavior in the ringtones screen as well. Hopefully there'll be a new port of Manila from a regular VGA device soon and all will be well.