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Old 08-01-2009, 02:45 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Mercury' (23009) ** || Built July 29th ||

Originally Posted by mrzieman View Post
Is there any way to fix the "Stocks" icon on this ROM to show up? In other WM 6.5 roms running TF3D2 (Juicy 8, for example), when you scroll over the stocks icon it shows up just fine, yet in every EnergyROM build, this icon doesn't exist for some random reason. There is just the word Stock with no icon above it.

Does anyone know why that is or if there is a fix? This is probably the only little flaw that is keeping me from flashing Energy 100% of the time - it just feels unfinished.

Thanks in advance for your time and support.
Icon shows fine for me (7/29 Standard) -- I have never noticed it missing from any previous build either -- it is not correct to say that 'in every EnergyROM build, this icon doesn't exist' -- there is probably something else going on, on your end.

If you read back a few pages, yes, just a few pages, fat boy has posted some scrolling-icon replacement sets that might set you straight. Anyways, would you really call that a flaw and flash a completely different ROM over a icon you might [not] see for a fraction of a second here and there?
ROM Taste Good!
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