Originally Posted by knewBee4lyfe
umm... is that in the ftp page? cuz i can't seem to find it in the first page. the only attached file is ruu.rar for like 500 kb. im pretty sure that the RUU is bigger than that. ppcgeeks switched to this white forum so its much harder to see things. and i am just mousing around the words and highlighting words to find where the arrow turns into a hand. or anything that shows that its a link. can u guys help me locate this ruu.nbh...
nevermind... i decided to try to mouse over the 2.1 RUU in giant letters... and it was a link... DUH!
maybe you should switch font colors on that so dumb people like me can realize its not just words but a link. (just a thought)
no its not in the ftp its in rapidshare, the RUU is very small the .nbh is the file that is really big.
Its the only .nbh file in the 2.1 download.
Ill change the font later, i havent had any problems with people not being able to find it before lol.
I usually include the RUU and the .nbh together, but i forgot this time. Next update will be fixed!