Originally Posted by yerp
i've received multiple PMs asking for my report since i said i would try this and report back 2 days ago, so here it is:
after a day and a half of testing battery life with this reg edit, i can confirm that it does in fact drastically improve the life of the battery on this ROM. yesterday i noticed at least a 2 fold improvement in life and i used the phone a lot more as well. anyone else finding the battery drain on this ROM unacceptable, make this change and be amazed....
i vote for this reg setting in the next build. if you agree please voice your opinion to increase the chance that NRGZ notices and includes this simple fix. also, please thank Comstar in his original post of this fix.
to all the fanboys who are saying "TP battery sucks", "get a flip phone", "carry chargers with you everywhere", etc. you really need to chill out...this ROM causes necessary drain in its default settings.....this is not a bash, just calling it like it is. you may be able to accept crappy battery life as you sit at your computer all day with your phone plugged in next to you and post worthless replys on internet forums, but some of us actually like/need to use our WIRELESS devices WIRELESSLY....
I still hold that the rate of battery drain is far too specific to the individual user to push for all sorts of battery saving edits to be cooked into the ROM. This ROM is geared towards performance at the expense of battery life. The first post I ever read regarding Energy ROM said it was a "Ferrari" and will use up a lot of fuel...but the trade off is performance.
I also stand behind the claims that the stock TP had horrible battery life and MANY reg edits and adjustments needed to be applied to get the device to last for more than a few hours. The stock ROM has soooo many features enabled it just drank battery. In order to get my Stock ROM to perform the way I wanted to, I needed it teathered to a charger.
I bet if you really committed to improving the battery life of your device running this ROM, you'd be surprised at what can be done. Changing radios, adjusting the polling for various features, disabling data after you're finished iwth it, disabling any "automatic updates", reducing the frequency of email syncs, etc.
I mean, you made ONE reg edit and got twice as much battery life out of it...keep playing with it. I've never once had the device die on me. The closest it came was when I spent a day out in the woods...roaming/constanly searching for a signal will kill your battery.
...and I mean this all with calm respect. I didn't intend to come off harsh or anything.