Originally Posted by JuMpMaN6235
Hey guys, i have HORRIBLE reception in my room, many times calls just get sent straight to voicemail... So i started messing around with this and now im getting a consistent FULL signal strength lol ... I changed the NV value to “1” for these three files:
File # 1670: NV_C0_BC1_VGA_GAIN_OFFSET_1
File # 1749: NV_C0_BC0_VGA_GAIN_OFFSET_1
File # 1776: NV_C1_BC0_VGA_GAIN_OFFSET_1
Then soft reset
Just tried this. Signal results are average of six samples taken once every ten seconds. Battery life results based on a 1:10 phone call to
It Could Always Suck More.
Defaults: 1746 / 2285 / 3044
1X: -92
HDR: -81
Battery: 440mA, 11mAh
Tweaked: 1 / 1 / 1
1X: -73
HDR: -69
Battery: 394mA, 10mAh
Conclusion: Holy crap! An increase of 20dBm for 1X and 10dBm for HDR with no apparent impact on battery life!
Now, before everyone gets all excited, realize that
this is almost certainly empty amplification, meaning the noise is being amplified as much as the signal, resulting in pretty much unchanged call quality. In fact, while testing I noticed that while the signal strength changed significantly, Ec/Io (I believe this is signal-to-noise ratio?) did not. Still, this has the potential to work wonders in low-signal areas, where the SNR is good but the signal is too low for the phone to detect. I cannot wait to test this on the road.
At lunch time I'll try setting C1_BC1 to 1 as well; I see no reason why we should leave that one out.