Originally Posted by Maverick77
I would love to make something like that. I really haven't learned animations yet, that's going to be my next project.
Do you want your name of your ROM or anything you would like for it to say? And I also assume you would like it in VGA 480X640
awesome thanks man! alright i know animations are different i was trying to make them for a while, but i gave up lol. Leave it to the pros!
Hmm well i would like it to say Demolition. you can leave rom out. Either way though. I am also trying to decide on a cool background for titanium and my start menu, i have a pretty cool image, but i just cant decide. If you wanna make a background too that would be great.
Thanks again man!!
ah damn it i went to hit thanks and i forgot no thanks was where thanks was... Sorry bro.
We need to get that switched ASAP!