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Old 07-30-2009, 09:57 PM
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Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)

Originally Posted by CarlaDarla View Post
Thanks for the quick response The not charging issue is intermittent, but the issue where it seems like the charger is draining my batter since the light on the wall socket(sorry I have no idea the technical term) thing stays on even if I unplug it has been constant.

I will take both in tomorrow if I get the chance, I just never have luck at the stores. They don't ever seem nice, and I never have the luck that others have That advanced exchange I have to pay the $100 for? Thanks a lot for your help Nate
No worries. "The light on the wall socket" terminology is fine, it's just a wall charger/home charger. Thats not cool about the service techs not being nice. That advanced exchange you would not be charged for as it's still within the 12 month warranty, and would also be covered if you have the Total Equipment Protection. Anytime.
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