Originally Posted by exempli_gratia
If the back is as rounded as it looks, the phone wont sit flat, right. It will rock back and forth when you have it on your desk in "tilt" mode, no?
And where is the Crtl key (no cut/copy/paste [^x/^c/^] from the keyboard?). Boo.
its flat , in tilt in the first pic
Originally Posted by HeXeD
meh.. I hope they will allow the "dye mod" for the back so I make it all black.. that would be fine with me.
wondered the same thing myself
I hadnt really seen those photos before, well not the back atleast, but ive seen TP2 pics b4..
is that like a vented back because HTC and Sprint know their combined devices are notorious for over heating? how thoughtful jk lol
the backs interesting ill give it that.. i agree though that for a phone thats suppose to be the unprecidented leader for biz people, it doesnt look very professional with that back on it.... maybe it is brown though and the pics are just bad.. if its really orange, i wonder how bright it is in person..
you imagine walking upto a biz man, ready to close a million dollar deal... hes on the phone.. all you see is this bright orange back cover on his phone... it'd look like he was using a phone a teenager would have.. doesnt exactly emulate top notch buisness style ya know lol