Originally Posted by jmorton10
Have you tried just flashing the ROM instead of using the kitchen??
If I use the kitchen and load his saved iphone clone up it works fine. The problem is I don't like the screwy task manager, taskbar, imusic, iphotos, his iclone is outdated, icontact is outdated, live search is outdated, facebook is outdated, netflix doesn't work, and live doesn't work. So I updated all these EXT's. Problem is even if I don't one of his many tweaks or something breaks outlooks ability to see my storage card. With all those things disabled and all my EXT's updated, it all runs smooth as a whistle except this ONE thing. It's killing me. I don't touch, OEM/ROM or SYS. Only thing I disable are things in the EXT.
I am positive it's not hardware as I've tried 2 different TP's and 3 different cards.