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Old 07-30-2009, 02:59 PM
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Re: Updated7-29|ROM||WM 6.5 build 21828|Titanium|CDMA|Chaos ROM - Suggestions Appreci

Originally Posted by raidzero View Post
I thought your 1.3 rom was fast. nfs was nice, its what i was using for a while and what my boss is using... chaos ever think of including icontact instead of the default contacts program?? so far mine is the only one with icontact, but maybe theres a reason.. lol anyway nice job again. I like it. I especially liked the BlackDragon theme but I think the top and bottom bars should change color to match the home screen, instead of that orangy brown color.I noticed also you included the day of the week on the cpr. where did you find out how to do that ? lol
What advantages does iContact have over the default? Happen to have a link to the cab/ext/oem that I can use?

The black dragon theme is actually made by DomSim, and after selecting it after reading your post, it looks nothing like it is supposed to! I need to figure out what is casuing the pervasive occurance of orange. The orange that shows up in the default theme is supposed to be blue. Check out DomSim's thread to see what it's supposed to look like.

And I learned my mad CPR skills from the Titanium Paramedic

Originally Posted by littleevil View Post
KK will try out the htc router and let ya know i have noticed that the battery life is a little less in this rom then the last.

As far as the rom selections i usually chose lite due to the fact that im in perma roaming so i need all the battery life i can get
I hate batteries, they are such fickle things. I look forward to the day that wireless power advances far enough to make batteries history

Permaroaming sucks! Yeah, it seems like a lot of people want fast, so I'm making a stripped version that should be fast, esp if the new tech works like it says. Plan on stripping everything out to where there is nothing but a phone and some basic programs left. Anything you think should definately go, or anything you think shouldn't?

On a side note, I've wondered this since I first saw it, but what the heck is your avatar a picture of
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Last edited by ChaosTheory; 07-30-2009 at 03:03 PM.
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