Originally Posted by htcmoguluser
some of u guys are pretty lost.
sept 09 is the date.
why would it come out in 2010 when theres already pictures of it stamped with a sprint logo?
and why did some1 even dare say tmobile will get it first? they didnt even get the first 1! lmao.
so sept 09 it is. how do i know? i work at sprint woodbridge nj.
because its all over the WEB, T-mobile drops it AUG 12th or 19th i forget.. They are the first ones, thats why were saying it.. it got announced WEB-wide yesterday....
i try to stay out of the rumors, but i asked my franchise spritn owner friend yesterday... he didnt gve a specific date, just Early Sept was all he said.... but i know its all rumors... he didnt say he had some book that said it, or claim to have 1 to play with... just stated thats what hes been told by his superiors...
just another rumor for ya guys