Originally Posted by mp1
Has anyone on 7/29 build noticed that the new WorldClock is working properly (ie. NOT going back an hour) for them?
I have Sashimi set to auto install Pyski's mapping for G-alarm but I forgot to set my city first so I could view weather in my calender. So I uninstall the mapping cab, click on WorldClock, set my city, go to start/settings/Clock&Alarms and set to Eastern time which shows 1 hour ahead. Reset TP and WorldClock (with new addons) is showing the right time.
I've continued to play around, explore, click on Clock and reset WITHOUT the previous WorldClock problems.
I don't think anything [in particular to fix the time sync] is changed on the new build(s), but you are describing what is always the basic correct process for making sure you don't have problems. All you should ever have to do anymore is make sure the World Clock and System clock timezones and times are both set correctly before you sync in your appointments, in other words:
1. Go to World Clock (click the clock) and confirm your time/zone there.
2. Go to Start>Settings>Clocks to set the timezone and time there.
Glad to hear it's working fine for you. With nothing more than that it should be working for basically everyone anymore...