Originally Posted by littleevil
I'm trying to get my bf to buy one... does that count?
Dont worry everyone bounces around I personally bounce between demo and you and every rare moment try something different.
EDIT: Going to work... I will check back after the fun woot
sure I'll take em however I can get em
Originally Posted by viper8u2
just wanted to let you know that I did flash on VZW, what did you do to get it to work? I am trying all kinds of roms and Demo, NRG and yours and something with NRG's doesn't work with VZW now
Like the features but its a little busy for me and runs too slow for my liking, creative though
Honestly not sure, I changes build so there are a ton of things it could be.
Thanks for the input, now that I have it working on VZW I can focus on tweaking and trimming. What exactly is busy about it? What would you change? I wanted to put everything in folders to keep it neat, but can probably cut out a couple folders. Also seen some new developments that are supposed to be a huge speed boost, but want to get a little more familiar with things before I delve there.
Originally Posted by raidzero
confirmed WORKING on VZW TP! it boots! I cannot test any more than that because my VZW TP is inactive. I see you figured out how to shade the start menu background. that rocks it improves it so much. my script still is not working on it all the way. it only changes landscape. overall though I like it a lot! could get used to the 4 row start menu now that I can read the contents! +1
Which script are you talking about? Also, under the tweaks folder is the 3 row start menu cab if you want it