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Old 10-25-2007, 02:28 PM
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Originally Posted by arckt2 View Post
Hey First off I'd like to thank you for making an awesome upgrade even better.

But the problem I'm having is that after upgrading to your version 3 of the Verizon ROM and upgrading the radio to 1.43, i'm experinencing more DSOD's and lockups than ever, usually about 3 a day.

Do you think the problem would be the version 3 of your ROM, or just the radio being upgraded to 1.43, I know you said you were having problems with the Radio upgrade.

What would be anyones best suggestion for avoiding lockups or DSOD's in the first place?

I'm running a Verizon xv6700 on build 3 with radio 1.43
I too have random lockups that I've been trying to isolate. For what it's worth here's what I've found out so far:
  1. I'm running the Sprint V3 ROM with the 1.41 radio
  2. I find the lockups generally clear after 5 to 10 minutes if you are patient enough. However this is not always true for me.
  3. I use my phone primarily in an area where I bounce in and out of EVDO mode and 1xRTT often.
  4. My data connection will stop responding and the only way I can get it back, short of a soft reset, is to disable and renable the phone in comm manager. Reseting the "Data Connection" in comm manager doesn't fix it.
  5. I've tried various configurations from the straight ROM with no patches and still get the problem. However I can confirm this is the same behavior I get whether on Helmi_c's untouched ROM or this "Clean" version of his ROM.
Otherwise, very happy. Thanks Rob and Helmi for making this so.

Sprint HTC Touch Pro (and lovin' it)
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