Originally Posted by doireallyhavetodothis
Begin the Noob flaming...
Listen just try different ROMS and see what ya like. I've tried Mighty's, ENRG's, Groove's, Sac's... I like them all for different reasons. Just like I prefer 6.1 over 6.5 for different reasons. I prefer Chef's that open their kitchen so I can tailor to my own taste. So with that I recommend Groove's or Sac's. But you might try someone else's and love it. Be a rebel and try them all!
Asking what you did is like asking what is the one true religion or what car is the best to own or even what woman is the best to lay with. To each their own.
+3! Thats the best part about being a member of this site. When I do find a good ROM, i find myself still flashing to every ROM that comes out for the TP. The fastest ROM is subjective and relative to YOU. Do the work to find out, if you call it work. Bigg ups to the Brewmasters !!!