Originally Posted by discipler
I was hoping I could get far enough to find the single .nbh file. But my Vista file extraction stopped just short and said the file was corrupted.
I got the following WinRAR diagnostic message:
! C:\ROMS\SsS-ROM_0205-BETA2.rar: CRC failed in RUU_signed.nbh. The file is corrupt
! C:\ROMS\SsS-ROM_0205-BETA2.rar: Unexpected end of archive
Anyone have any thoughts? Did a "search of this thread" on the beta being corrupted. Nothing by my previous post.
It almost sounds like something happened to the file during download as I usually get those errors when the download stopped and the file was incomplete. I would try downloading the 205 beta2 once more and make sure it fully downloads and try to extract it again, then report if it still gives the error.