Hey this is why people get frustrated with you TECH! READ MY POST!!!!
No where in there does it say I have problems with Active Sync, what I said was:
one thing I have already noticed is that when I plug my TP into my PC, I don't get the menu that allows me to
Active Sync
Disk Drive
Internet Sharing
I like to use Internet sharing and disk drive. I always sync my windows media to my TP, and using Vista, the only way I have found to do it is if I use my TP as Disk Drive.
Is it possible for you to add that? I am trying to be constructive here.
Can you fix this or not? Simple question. I don't care what problems others are getting, My HTC is fine! Your ROM is working fine so far in my HTC. Last night it wasn't!
I just want the 'OPTION' when I connect my TP to my PC to choose
active sync
disk drive
internet sharing
My bad though TECH next time I will make my post IDIOT proof! READ READ READ, take it in, then give your answer. Stop telling me my HTC is no good, it's YOUR ROM that doesn't have the option for the things I brought up!!!{LOL}{LOL}{LOL}