Originally Posted by ZaijiaN
I'm waiting for more interest to be generated in the Mobile Receptionist (and more bugs to be worked out) (and performance to be optimized) before I get around to making a full 1.0 version.
But rest assured, when that happens i'll post about here!
In the meantime, you're not missing out on too much, but if you require the full registered functionality, PM me and we'll work something out.
I just noticed that the beta period has expired, i'll work on getting another version up that'll let you use it for a couple more months.
I think the only issue I have now, and it may just be me doing something wrong, but besides having to leave the program running, it seems it will auto show itself sometimes. Not really linked it to every time I get an SMS, it shows. But it does show sometimes. Is there any way to keep it hidden? I assume it has to be running to work. It would be nice if it could remain running like a service.