Doubtful. The Sprint Touch is based on the HTC Vogue which as far as I've determined approximates the non-WiFi version that came out in Europe last month or so. There are basically 2 versions of the "Touch" the one with WiFI and GPS and a 200MHZ processor, and the one with a 400 MHZ processor and no WiFi or GPS. It's not like Sprint "crippled" any functions. The hardware just isn't there, just like the long-suspected GPS unit supposedly built into the Apache. It's fast processor and large (by PPC standards) memory will be it's heralded features, but personally after owning an Apache for a year with WiFi that I use regularly I'm gonna be a hard sell on a $500 PDA without it. It's a very cool looking little device, but if I went for looks alone I'd have NEVER gotten an Apache. Sorry to disappoint, bit the facts are out now. No WiFi. No GPS. No Sprint Touch in my future.