Originally Posted by Maxx134
I have had similar aamzinly good results as well, BY CHANGING MY RADIO as well.
I have had suspicions about the "radio" rom playing a part in affecting battery life and now this seems to add up.
So those that have battery isssues should try flashing another radio to see which one works well with EnergyRom for them.
We have around 11 CDMA radios so far one of the latest I flashed (Cellular South V1.12.31F Radio) on my Sprint TP is now giving me excellent battery life!
Also dont forget the link to the battery saving app posted, thnx "AskWhy":
Yes the Verizon (I'm on Sprint Network) radio has been incredible. Yesterday for the first time my phone went 12 hours and the battery was at 52%. I didn't use the phone much but even so, never before. Today so far I'm at 8 hours and 66%. HUGE difference.