I bought an iphone to play with... i unlocked it to tmobile (i know no 3G), and to tell you the truth, the novelty wore off really quick..
its fun for games and some apps yes, but after i jailbroke it and installed a bunch of 3rd party apps and themes, the phone started slowing down... for a phone that doesn't fully multitask, that depressed me.
The iphone makes usability extremely simple. The UI is just a bunch of icons, which gets boring after a while. And sure you can change it up with some themes, but honestly, its all the same (like the vista theme uses "clear" icons to make it seem like you have a desktop look).
IMHO if i were dumb enough to be in contract with ATT (the Sh*ttiest company, service-wise, aside from T-mobile) I'd probably have an iphone...
The iphone coming to Verizon next year is the best move crapple could make in the cellular industry.
The next iphone (the 3GSF) is gunna have a FLASH FOR THE CAMERA! NO WAAAY! Thanks Apple for giving us something you could have added 3 years ago! (they might not even add that, who knows)
Anyways, as you can see, i have mixed feelings on the iphone.