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Old 07-27-2009, 01:50 PM
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Re: |VICT|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Mercury' (21921) ** || Built July 22nd ||

Originally Posted by WarAxe View Post
Yeah... tell me about it. I'm not even a cook but I've followed a bunch of ROMS over the last year and the peanut gallery here is relentless sometimes. One almost has to ignore them... because there are indeed those of us out here who are very appreciative and are classy about asking for things. I wish I had Riley's patience.

I like having the FM radio because it cannot be CAB'ed in. Most everything else can so I think many of the noisemakers merely lament the limited space to CAB in there favorite apps -- although this would be a great time to point out the 4GB of space on internal storage!

Please keep up the great work... your ROMs are respected on both sides of the ocean.
Cooks post their ROMs for evaluation and comments which is why they keep releasing new ones. If you don't want comments, don't release a ROM.

Not sure why anyone has to get upset over this.

And for the record I love this ROM -- fastest and smoothest one I've tried along with best looking interface.
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