What to do??
Well this is my delimma (well not really but might end up being). I bought a diamond about 6 months ago maybe longer. I wont disclose my carrier. I purchased it off craigslist out of someones trunk for about 250 without the box but with all the accesories and the phone was in perfect condition. The guy had about 20 touch diamonds and pros all together. But i didnt ask questions because I really dont care or wanna know how he got them I just wanted one lol. So when i took it home i realized that it was activated. With unlimited everything. So i was like well i might aswell keep it on the service before switching it over to metroPCS. I thought it would stay on for about a week tops but it has already been 6 months plus. I called the carrier and asked them to get the unlock code.. which they wouldnt give me lol because i couldnt provide any account info and they were like how did you get this phone because this is a (carrier) corporate phone. I was just like "ohh its a friend of mine who works for you guys i was just playing around with the phone" and i guess she believed me because she never turned it off. Could this phone just be lost in the system and stay on forever lol? So now im wondering if i can be held responsible for any usage of this phone being that i never signed a contract or any legal binding papers. Because with this plan im sure its probably 100+ a month at least. So what do you guys think? Should i say f*** it and keep using it for free or just have it flashed over to metroPCS and be done with this service?