Re: [Mobile Shell 3.0 Widget] WeatherPanel (with current conditions)
I posted this on BW Night forum since it became a topic of discussion by me. Maybe it can help some others with MS3
I finally got weatherpanel to work with MS3 yesterday. It was not easy and took two installs to get it going. You have to follow a careful progression of installing 3 programs to get it going in MS3. Soft reset after each one. There is a lot to read on this. Here is a quick overview to see if maybe it helps.
1. Install Weatherpanel on device
2. Install Phat Phinger II into Weatherpanel Themes file, copy file into Themes file, that's it. Nothing to run.
3. Get Weatherpanel setup on your today screen and configured with a city and set Theme to Phat Phinger and Layout to Phat+48.wpl. It has to be running on Today Screen.
4. Make sure it is working there first.
5. Install WP Activate on Device
6. Run Inject App successfully, I believe this connects the program running on your today screen with the app you will put in MS3
7. Add Weatherpanel App to MS3 Lifestyle Page, there should be several to chose from.
8. You should have it working. Press the widget to make sure it loads the Weatherpanel. Mine did not the first time so I had to start again. I believe the steps above were different than my first attempt that failed.
9. If you find, like I did, that the link stops working. Go back to Today Screen, update the Weather and then go back into MS3 and it should be working again.
Good Luck!